ジャンル:Full HD (フル ハイビジョン) セクシー グラビア
「Olive Girl 最上ゆき」の良くある質問 by Yahoo!知恵袋
Q.先週、海外から下記のようなメールが送られてきました。詐欺ですよね…?おわかりになられる方、ご教授願います。Int. Claims Dept. Tele2.nl/Microsoft Corporations: Customer Service OFFICIAL WINNING NOTIFICATION.We are pleased to inform you about the release of the long awaited results of Sweepstakes promotion organized by Tele2.nl/Microsoft, in conjunction with the foundation for the promotion of software products, (F.P.S.) held this month of January,2011 in The Netherlands where your email address emerged as one of the online Winning emails in the 3rd category and therefore attracted a cash award of Ђ550,000.00 (Five Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euros) and a Dell laptop. To begin your claim, do file for the release of your winning fund by contacting our Foreign Transfer Manager/Funds Supervisor: Contact Person: Mr. Thadeus Ackman. Foreign Operations Manager,Tel:+31-630-403-125.Fax:+31-847-365-432.Reply email:Freelotto777@live.nlINFORMATION NEEDED FROM YOU TO SEND YOUR LAPTOP AND TO ISSUE YOUR CHEQUE ON YOUR FULL NAME AND CONTACT ADDRESS!! YOUR FULL NAME: OCCUPATION: AGE: SEX: ADDRESS: POST CODE: CITY: STATE: COUNTRY: MOBILE-TELEPHONE: FAX NUMBER: WINNER EMAIL ADDRESS: REFERENCE NUMBER: As soon as your information is received via email,an intense verification exercise will be carried out here in Europe Amsterdam, the Netherlands by our (W.V.D) winnings verification dept. However,in the result of POSITIVE verification conclusion, all necessary documents required for you to receive your laptop and Cash Cheque in your country will be filed along with your winning CHEQUE PARCEL CONSIGNMENT via COURIER to your contact address provided by you. Please,endeavour to send these required information via fax as well. If you prefer your funds to be deposited on your bank account,we advise that you INDICATE this so as to provide you with further detailed requirements regarding transfer options. The Microsoft Internet E-mail lottery Awards is sponsored by former CEO/Chairman
Q.以下の英文を訳してください。取引ブローカーから送られてきた英文なのですが、お願いします。Hello,We have received funds from you.For these funds to be deposited to your trading account, you will need to furnish the Payments Department with a scan of your card, front and back (the full name of the cardholder, the issuing bank, the first six and final four digits of the card should all be visible and the remaining digits hidden). On the back of the card the CVV2/CVC codes should be hidden.The scans may be uploaded in myAlpari in "Uploaded Documents" of the "My Profile" section.
A.こんにちは私たちはあなたから資金を受け取りました。あなたの取引口座に予約金として預けられたこれらの資金のために支払部門(財務?)にあなたのカードの両面のスキャンを提示する必要があります。(カード保持者のフルネーム、発行銀行、カードの最初の6桁と最後のの4桁目は目で確認できるものと残りの桁は隠れているはずです)カードの裏には CVV2/CVC コードが隠れているはずです。スキャンは "My Profile"の欄の"Uploaded Documents"でmyAlpari にアップロードされているかもしれません。
Q.次の一文を和訳してください。I still see a big notice outside your gate every night which says ‘ FULL UP. ’よろしくお願いします。
A.I still see a big notice outside your gate every night which says ‘ FULL UP. ’直訳は、以下のとおり。「まだ毎晩家の門の外側に「満室」って書いてある大きな看板出てるね。」前後の文脈がないので、わからないですが、その家が民宿とかモーテルでなかったら、「まだ毎晩誰か来てるの見え見えだぜ」と言う意味だと、私なら受け取ります。
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